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Food Art

Make Any Dish Beautiful with Food Art

Cooking is considered an art form by many, but the concept of food illustration and art is yet another way to make any type of food look appealing. Whether you’re looking for new ways to reach customers or you’re just ready to showcase your best dishes, food art is a wonderful way to highlight your best work. The concept of using food illustration or art in advertising isn’t new, but there are some new techniques that stylists are trying to reach a modern audience.

Creative Colors

One way to create stunning food art is to group different items together that are in a similar color. A gathering or purple foods such as eggplant and grapes look visually stunning when used for a magazine spread or an ad for your new restaurant. Choose a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, slice them up, then place them in a unique shape to create a beautiful rainbow effect. Using the colors found in food can instantly turn an average item into a true work of art.

Making a Food Illustration

A painter or sketch artist can create beautiful recreations of food as art. However, if you want to use the actual food itself, you can also devise a creative food illustration this way. The different textures, colors, and sizes of food components can be placed together to create an image. This is a fun, whimsical way to show off your ingredients in a uniquely creative fashion. This technique has been used for decades, but new editing software and other techniques are making it easier than ever to devise an illustration that’s solely composed of food.


Restaurateurs may want to show off a wider range of dishes in one shot. One way to create this form of food art is to set a gorgeous table, then photograph it from above. This simple technique creates a stunning image that will entice customers to try out your food. It’s also a wonderful way to highlight your best items in one single photo in a refined and elegant way.

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